Tightly held Data Warehouse Certification – something to be very proud of

Victoria Maclennan
February 2, 2015

Not all certifications are created equally – some are designed to maximise the pass rate to ensure the product vendor engages participants leading to increased license sales. Data Vault certification isn’t one of these. The course itself, certification exam and process are tightly controlled and tightly held resulting in a small “elite” group of Certified Data Vault Modellers around the world.
Awesome news is two of these Certified Data Vault Modellers are our own Nic Cox and Jonathan Seller.



Nic has written a series of great blogs describing what Data Vault is all about, their trip to Sydney and certification experience and has started to share helpful tips which will continue on an on-going basis.

Here is an overview of what Data Vault Modelling involves info from Nic’s first blog Data Vault: Agile Data Warehousing for the Future

“Data Vault is a data warehousing modelling technique that makes designing a robust, agile, historical and future-proof data warehouse a breeze.

Data Vault is modelled using Hubs, Links and Satellites.  These are the names given to a type of table, much in the same way a Star Schema is made up of Dimensions and Facts.”

Our investment in Data Vault, like our investment in Agile and BEAM* has been considerable and for the OptimalBI team provides a fruitful, stimulating, repeatable and robust agile framework through adoption (and adaption) of these strong methodologies. We have big hairy audacious goals to democratise the Business Intelligence, Data Warehousing and Analytics worlds making them accessible and affordable vs the current black art like state – which Data Vault modelling lends itself nicely towards.

Needless to say we are very proud of Nic and Jonathan. Congratulations guys, Vic.

Here is the proof – screen shot from http://www.geneseeacademy.com/certification


Victoria spends much of her time focusing on Digital Inclusion, Digital Literacy and Digital Rights.  

You can read her OptimalBI blogs here, or connect with her on LinkedIn.

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